What is ADAB Solution cryptocurrency all about ?
Adab solutions project is developing What will ken as FICE- first Islamic crypto exchange predicated on shariah norms. This platform is engendered as am exchange and accommodations that comply with the norms of the sharia and operate on the principles of islam, withal engender accommodations predicated on the high moral and cultural values of islam and provide access to all users of crypto- economics. The Islamic crytocurency platforms engendered by adab solutions will implements the possibility of purchasing ADAB tokens by users during ICO. This platforms will solve the quandary of halal cryptocurrency trasactions, providing access the crypto currency market for the muslim ummah, which is about 22% OF THE WORLD populations and manages Islamic financial assests.
Features and measures in implementing Adab solutions cryptocureency project to be Halal.
Adab solutions project is developing What will ken as FICE- first Islamic crypto exchange predicated on shariah norms. This platform is engendered as am exchange and accommodations that comply with the norms of the sharia and operate on the principles of islam, withal engender accommodations predicated on the high moral and cultural values of islam and provide access to all users of crypto- economics. The Islamic crytocurency platforms engendered by adab solutions will implements the possibility of purchasing ADAB tokens by users during ICO. This platforms will solve the quandary of halal cryptocurrency trasactions, providing access the crypto currency market for the muslim ummah, which is about 22% OF THE WORLD populations and manages Islamic financial assests.
Features and measures in implementing Adab solutions cryptocureency project to be Halal.
- They will consummate and pass Islamic expert assessment on compliance with sharia law
- They will organizes the shariah supervisory board under the first Islamic crpto exchangr
- They will adhere to documents and procedures, prepared on the substratum of a seroius analyis that regulates the company work with crypto assets in accordance with the norms of sharia.
- They will make their public perception or company image to be good.
- Their main activity is maslahah ( Remuneratively lucrative for all) while the haram (illicit) element Is absent or vey minute. This their activities is commented and additionally coalescing the benefits of gregarious development and investment opportunities predicated on the distribution of profits and loses for a wide range of entrepreneurs and investors.
- Their level of interest will not exceeds that of law established by SAC.
Paramountcy of investing in this platform
The main paramountcy of investing in this platform because its will promote crowd funding from the Islamic perspective which its advantages is outline below: - Operates predicated on the distribution of profits and loses as required by the principles of Islamic finance
- Promotes innovation
- Promote job creation
- Supports magnification of enterprises and sanctions the future IPO in incipient sectors
- Minimizes risk by dividing capital into several start ups
- Open an incipient asset class for minute and medium sized investors and determinate ;
- Provides access to capital for wide range of entrepreneurs thereby reducing the funding gap.

Focal points of ADAB arrangements venture for partipants and its uniqueness.
- This stages has gone for a colossal group of onlookers of 1.8 billion potential Muslim users of the ecumenical digital currency showcase
- In terms of profitability of the venture, Adab arrangements venture is composed as per the most astounding security standards and has one of a kind specialized element.
- With the frameworks of qualities in light of shariah standards promotion standards of Islamic fund whill be received by ADAB Solutins as a self direction f the digital mazuma advertise and to build the caliber of confide in key cryptographic mazuma instrumnets.
- Full transaparency where there it will be conceivable to purchase and offer digital currencies for fiat cash of the trade.
The mission of the ADAB Solutions project is to create conditions and services based on the high moral and cultural values of Islam and provide access to all users of crypto economics.

ICO Details
- The key task of ADAB Solutions is to create a structure that will establish new ethical standards for doing business in the industry. ADAB - standards of behavior prescribed by the norms of the Shariah, including good manners, standards of decency, courtesy, humanity. The name of ADAB Solutions is a big responsibility for the creators of the project.
- ADAB is a way of life in Islam, which the founders of the project consider not only natural in everyday life, but an obligatory foundation of business relations.
ICO Details
- Name of the token ADAB
- Total number of tokens – 500.000.000
- The price of the token is 0.1 USD
- Method of payment - BTC, ETH
- Soft Cap – 2.500.000 $
- Hard Cap -17.290.000 $
- Start - 25.07.2018 year
- The end is on 15.11.2018
- Minimum volume of sales - 1000 ADAB
- Timur Turzhan Founder & CEO
- Rustam Turzhan Co - founder & COO
- Maxat Salpyn Deputy CEO on Islamic finance
- Aleksander Mamasidikov CMO
Website: http://adabsolutions.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/Adabsolutions
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adabsolutions
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdabSolutions
Author: Faisdsoul05
ETH Address: 0xcED5C28455E4c10B35339E673222a5C8A8A79E4A
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